Implant Centar Stojanović

We differ from others in that our patients trust us, and we make our best efforts to maintain that trust. We guarantee our patients protection with our experience, expertise and continuous professional development. We have the firm basis to publish a success rate that is at a higher level than the globally recorded one, and our practical works bear witness to that. Success can be measured only by those who maintain their own statistical records over a period of one decade at least, and such an assessment requires at least 15 years of experience. Any evaluation given without such an analysis is untrustworthy and lacks realistic foundations.

About us

The founder of the Center for Implantology (“Implant Centar Stojanović”) – prim. Dr Branislav Stojanović graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Sarajevo in 1980 after having finished the secondary dental school in Pristina in 1974. He began his career in 1981, as a general dental practitioner at the Sarajevo Health Center, where he worked in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and, later, in the dental prosthetics service section. Dr. Stojanović worked at the Sarajevo Health Center until April 1992.

In Belgrade, Dr. Branislav Stojanović established a dental practice in 1992. The dentist’s office began work as a center for prosthetic and aesthetic dentistry and, since 1997, the center has intensified its oral and implant surgery practice. In 2000, Dr. Branislav Stojanović completed specialization in oral surgery at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade.

Šta je dobar implantolog?

Dobar implantolog je onaj koji ima znanja i iskustva da proceni kompletno pacijentovo stanje, stanje vilične kosti i preostalih zuba i da na osnovu tih parametara da najbolji i najracionalniji predlog pacijentu za rešavanje tog stanja. Pacijentu je potrebno uliti poverenje svojim stručnim znanjem, a onda ga i opravdati radom. Svaku situaciju bi trebalo predstaviti realno, bez veličanja ka pozitivnoj ili negativnoj strani. Pacijenta nikada ne bi trebalo obeshrabriti, i uvek je potrebno naći rešenje za njegov problem. Dobar implantolog je implantolog na delu!

Gde poslujemo?

Implant Centar Stojanović vodi Primarijus dr. Branislav Stojanović na adresi Gaudijeva 4, Beograd. Primarijus dr. Branislav Stojanović je prepoznatiljivo ime u implantologiji Srbije.


Dentalna implantologija obuhvata hirurške procedure koje imaju za cilj funkcionalnu rehabilitaciju pacijenata upotrebom dentalnih implantata, odnosno metalnih elemenata koji se hirurški ugrađuju u gornju i donju vilicu.
Implantati mogu da imaju različiti oblik, mogu da se ugrade u različitim pozicijama i različitim tehnikama. Trenutno se većina implantata izrađuje od titanijuma.